Exchange Code Inactive

Hi i had commodities and added funds in commodities wallet while placing orders error exchange code Inactive
Ticket Raise #8739053 but issue not solved please help

Hi @pramod_g,

Thank you for sharing your ticket ID. As per the details, your account is blocked at the Exchange. Rest assured, we are following up with them to get your account unblocked.

Appreciate your patience in the meantime.

What could this be related to?

Hi @Duke_Evan,

Welcome to the Upstox Community.

Are you facing the same issue? Please share your ticket ID with us so that we can look into it. Thanks.


yes facing the same issues above is ticket id: 8739053 kindly resolve issues at the earliest

related to MCX trading unable to place orders even after activation of commodity account

Hi @pramod_g,

Thanks for sharing your ticket ID. We are taking a look at it and will get back to you soon.

Hi @pramod_g,

Your MCX trading is active now and as we can see, you’ve placed an order as well today. We are closing this ticket. Let us know if you require help with anything else, thanks.

I am facing same issue. My ticket id is 8752521.

Hi @Fazal_Ahmad,

Welcome to the Upstox Community!

Thanks for sharing your ticket ID. We are taking a look at it and will get back to you.