The first screenshot shared is from Upstox. They are per minute candles. The last candle seen is 15:29:00 - suggesting that the OHLCVs are for that minute (minute starting at 15:29:00 and ending by 15:29:59.999999).
Exchange publishes close prices after 15:30:00 IST. Hence, for the historical data to also record close prices, there should be “another” entry in the OHLC CSV with the time at which exchange published close price.
Second screenshot is from a fellow broker Aliceblue. They are sharing close prices (as can be seen by the timestamp of 15:30:51 - they are not prices coming at off times!)
I’m facing the similar issue. When I’m trying to get 1minute historical data last minuite data is missing. I’m using following code
api_instance = upstox_client.HistoryApi()
api_version = ‘v2’