Important Issue in ohlc market quote api

I studied the data of ohlc market quote api and there is an important error…

Error :
I got data of 99 stocks everyminute and all of them returned ohlc data of previous minute closed candle (latest/last closed candle) instead of ongoing pending candle which has not closed yet which is a very very good thing and do not please change this …but i continuously got the data for 2 hours and only 85 stocks out of 99 showed perfect previous closed candle data and 14 of them at random minute returned ohlc data of 2 minutes back closed candle or 3 minutes back closed candle…

Ohlc marketquote api is very good as it not return current incomplete candle data on minutes interval and it shows only previous closed candle data but sometime it return 2,3,4 minutes delayed data …we calculate the data time based on our device time like whatever the device time is , we store the retrieved data under current time minus 1 minute …but this logic fails few times when data is 2 minute delayed…

I took nifty 100 stocks and stocks that most time showed delayed data were boschltd, bajajhldng, pghh etc… I am glad 85 stock showed perfect data at every minute but 14 showed delayed data at some random minutes( not at all the minutes).

If u need i also have list of minutes when 14 stocks showed delayed data .

One thing also i saw is 97 out of 99 stocks gave delayed data at 15.30pm …they all should have given data of 15:29 candle but they returned data of 15:28
But i ignored this because its last candle…

Solution i would suggest is :

  1. Either force the api to only show data of latest closed candle that is previous minute closed candle only and if data not available in snapshot then don’t show it.

  2. Return timestamp of data with ohlc data …so that we can know the data’s actual timestamp

Note : please i am not comfortable with websocket coding …i am very comfortable with restAPI… please fix it i will be very grateful… I am unable to use intraday historical data api because i need 100 stocks data in one go everyminute which is not allowed in uplink due to ratelimits…so only solution for me is to use markerquote because it return 100 stocks data in one request only

The Market Quotes API provides the most recent snapshot of data. Given your need for regular, short-interval data updates, continuously retrieving data via a REST API is not recommended.

I understand you are unfamiliar with WebSockets, but they are the ideal solution for your scenario. To assist you in getting started swiftly, we have prepared sample WebSocket codes in Python, Java, PHP, Node.js, and React JS. You can refer to these examples here.

We are coming up with a new addition addon in WebSocket where you can subscribe to more than 100 stocks, which might help to smooth your process.

I read u store ohlc data in CDN so thats why there is a slight delay in getting some stocks…so is it delay in storing data or delay in getting data…

If u update in your CDN in real-time and the cdn in delivering to us in delay then i guess there is a solution to clear cache or something of the browser or passing a unique param in the url to get unique data everytime

If u can’t solve realtime data via rest api then atleast add a timestamp of data in ohlc marker quote …

Cache clearing is not working its still showing delayed data …only solution now is to add data time-stamp in ohlc marketquote api…it doesn’t return latest data , it actually returns latest closed candle data …which is very good …so plzz add candlestick time with data response…it will be very very very very helpful

Still waiting for reply…will data timestamp be added in ohlc api ?

We’ll investigate the feasibility of integrating a timestamp function with the assistance of our product and technical teams. Once we have more information, we’ll provide you with an update. Thank you for being so understanding.

Any expected time ? I really need it…and it will be helpful for all API users who are not familiar with sockets

Currently, we do not have an estimated time of arrival (ETA) for this. Please rest assured that once we make a decision and have more information, we will update you.