Charts giving wrong info. URGENT

Dear Team. It’s a big problem I think.
When market opens today, I was checking the bank nifty chart and for the first 5 min candle it was showing Open and low as 44625 but after 15 min, it started showing 44571.55. I have taken PE trade because of low break but after 15 min, when charts corrected then I checked with other broker and found that Upstox xhart was wrong. I have exited the trade.
This kind of charting problem may lead customers for loss and believe on upstox will also hampered.
Kindly suggest the reason behind this…

Hi @Thestoploss,

Sorry to hear about that.

Could you please raise a ticket about it here with relevant screenshots if you notice this the next time? Meanwhile, rest assured our team is also checking this internally. Thanks.

I was in trade and was unable to take screenshot or recording. But If you have recording of today’s chart, you can check it easily. I am only telling you the problem by which we can improve. And on a serious note, Charts are still not that much reliable and lagging with upstox. I always use other brokers chart too for confirmation.

Hi @Thestoploss,

We appreciate your feedback. Rest assured, our team is already looking into this.

Also, request you to help us with relevant screenshots or videos the next time you face such an issue. That will really help us in identifying the issue and fixing it. Thanks.

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Hi, Please check today chart of nifty. on upstox - it’s showing 19648.70 as today’s low. While Zerodha and NSE website, both are showing today’s low as 19635.30…

Please try to fix these kind of things or tell us the reason behind this,…

Hi @Thestoploss,

Could you please raise a ticket here with the relevant screenshots? Once you do, share the ticket number with us and we will share your details with the concerned team right away. Thanks.