In These three Images, It’s clearly visible that Other brokers data is 100 % match with NSE website but Upstox Charts data are clearly long. today’s high of 1st 10 min is above 22400 but Upstox saying it’s 22375 only. 25 point difference.
Big Alert for 1st hour scalpers…

Hey @Thestoploss, this has been fixed and the data is reflecting accurately. Request you to re-login to the platform and verify. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any other queries.

This type of isuue occours almost everyday, and after happening, there is no point of fixing it. I must say that UPStox should expend some amount on charting . TBT charts are faster but Everyday it gets freezing,giving wrong information, etc.
Also, Please add % PNL in position section. After so much requests, It is still not added.
Our Expectations from upstox is much high but Does not seems working.