What is order status when partially filled

what is order status value in response when order is partially filled

The status becomes active once the order is partially completed. In the given example, out of a total quantity of 41, 31 units have been filled, leaving 10 units still pending.

    "exchange": "NSE",
    "product": "D",
    "price": 0,
    "quantity": 41,
    "status": "open",
    "guid": null,
    "tag": "******",
    "userId": "******",
    "instrument_token": "NSE_EQ|INE442H01029",
    "placed_by": "******",
    "tradingsymbol": "ASHOKA-EQ",
    "trading_symbol": "ASHOKA-EQ",
    "order_type": "MARKET",
    "validity": "IOC",
    "trigger_price": 0,
    "disclosed_quantity": 0,
    "transaction_type": "SELL",
    "average_price": 161.9,
    "filled_quantity": 31,
    "pending_quantity": 10,
    "status_message": null,
    "status_message_raw": null,
    "exchange_order_id": "******",
    "parent_order_id": null,
    "order_id": "******",
    "variety": "",
    "order_timestamp": "2024-01-25 15:28:53",
    "exchange_timestamp": null,
    "is_amo": false,
    "order_request_id": null,
    "order_ref_id": "UDAPI-******"

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