Placeorder API (placing MARKET order but by default placing LIMIT order )

When I place an order with the order type set to MARKET, the order remains open but shows an order type of LIMIT in the order book API. This discrepancy is causing confusion and preventing me from executing trades as intended.

Order Request:

[“POST”,“",**{**"quantity”: “1”,“product”: “D”,“validity”: “DAY”,“price”: 0,“tag”: “tz_727”,“instrument_token”: “BSE_EQ|INE202R01026”,“order_type”: “MARKET”,“transaction_type”: “BUY”,“disclosed_quantity”: 0,“trigger_price”: 0,“is_amo”: false**},[“Content-Type: application/json”,"Authorization: Bearer E3MjY2OTY4MDB9.D17Gn0qOPjaCzmNYwdK8***********90UD0S7YJklyhUoFVU"]]

Order Book API Response:

{ “exchange”: “BSE”,“product”: “D”,“price”: 2.31,“quantity”: 1,“status”: “open”,“guid”: null,“tag”: “tz_559”,“instrument_token”: “BSE_EQ|INE202R01026”,“placed_by”: “7QAX98”,“tradingsymbol”: “ARCFIN”,“trading_symbol”: “ARCFIN”,“order_type”: “LIMIT”,“validity”: “DAY”,“trigger_price”: 0,“disclosed_quantity”: 0,“transaction_type”: “BUY”,“average_price”: 0,“filled_quantity”: 0,“pending_quantity”: 1,“status_message”: null,“status_message_raw”: null,“exchange_order_id”: “1726630200001434339”,“parent_order_id”: null,“order_id”: “240918026277086”,“variety”: “SIMPLE”,“order_timestamp”: “2024-09-18 15:25:46”,“exchange_timestamp”: “2024-09-18 15:25:46”,“is_amo”: false,“order_request_id”: “1”,“order_ref_id”: “UDAPI-I-6GFdhFvaRUStnxh2OhJ1SoLv”}

Steps Taken: I have verified that I am correctly using the API and have consulted the documentation, but the issue persists.

Hi @Pratik, This is the expected behavior. When you placed the order, the stock hit the upper circuit, and whenever a stock reaches its upper circuit price, there are only buyers in the market with no sellers available. As a result, the order was automatically converted to a limit order by the exchange.
