Unable to buy NFO in mutual funds

Hi team, while buying NFO, getting error as your account is not listed with exchange. Please help.
Attaching ss.

Welcome to the Upstox community, @Shubham_Bhole

We are here to help. Can you please share your UCC ID with us so that we can check?

Hi Vaibhav, sharing my UCC ID.
ID : CM5584

Hi @Shubham_Bhole ,

We are getting this checked and will get back to you with an update soon.

Hi @Shubham_Bhole ,

We request you to try placing order after 24 to 48 hours.

Hi Vaibhav,
Thank you so much for your help.
Now I can buy NFO.

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Most welcome @Shubham_Bhole if you require any other assistance feel free to reach us.