Unable to apply for SGB - on screen it says 15th Sep is end date, when I actually apply, gets 14-Sep - (Ended)
Hi @UK_Mohit,
Could you please share your UCC or raise a ticket here with relevant screenshots of the issue that you are facing and we will look into this ASAP?
Hi @UK_Mohit ,
Thank you for sharing your UCC.
We tried calling you but didn’t get any response. Let us know a good time to call you so that we can guide you to apply for the SGB, before it closes today.
Thanks a lot for the quick response - seems to be system date - let me try re-setting and try again.
Hi @UK_Mohit,
We looked into this. You’re right. This seems to be an issue of your computer date and time not being synchronized to the Indian date and time zone where the NSE and BSE trade. Here’s a quick fix: Just change your computer timezone to India and you should be able to apply for SGB!
Let us know if this helps. Also, rest assured we are looking into this to fix it ASAP.