Dear users
Please checkout the recent enhancements on Dartstock platform.
Live Scanner: In addition to highs and lows for different periods, users can add % change filters. This allow users to see only those stocks which have hit anyone of the high/low criteria but either has a % change higher than the specified value under > or has a % change lower than the specified value under <.
Group T & S Filter: The addition of > % change or < % change will allow users to catch big trades but those that meet the % change criteria as well.
Option strategy: Users can now simulate their strategy by tracking their net profit or loss of the whole strategy. Since the strategies can be saved, users can always return next day or any day before expiry to see their virtual P & L.
UI Changes: Based on market feedback and UI review by an expert, we have changed the default fonts, Background flash colors, column header color etc. The changes make the application much cleaner and pleasant. We will continue with more changes in the UI in the coming updates also.