Order Execution Delay

Hey team,
I have a strategy that relies on quick order execution time. I am consistently experiencing a delay of 2 seconds in order execution. The order is placed at 9:15:0 and always gets executed after or on 9:15:2. I am attaching the screenshot below. The same code when running using Zerodha(Kite) API works fine, the orders are executed in less than a second.

@Mohit_Sethi Thanks for reaching out. We’ll check with the relevant team and get back to you.

Can you confirm if this issue occurs with orders placed at 9:15, or are you experiencing it later in the day as well?

I think this only occurs at 9:15. Below is a screenshot of the same system at a later time. There is no delay here.
If you could resolve this issue, that would be great, my strategy relies on quick execution at 9:15:0.


Hi @Mohit_Sethi ,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We understand how crucial timely execution is for your strategy, especially at 9:15. This couple of seconds delay is due to the high volume of FNO AMO orders placed at this exact time. Your feedback is valuable, and we appreciate your patience as we evaluate your concern if it’s feasible. If you require any other assistance feel free to reach us here.

I think executing at 9:15:0 is doable/feasible since it happening properly on other brokers.
If you want, I can share a screenshot of multiple orders being executed by Kite(Zerodha) at exactly 9:15:0.
I would like to continue to use Upstox to execute trades, however, I would like to know whether or not your team can fix this issue.

@Pradeep_Jaiswar @Vaibhav_Naik