How many from you feels that upstox web need to change the UI

Dear All , Please comment below if you feel that upstox web need to change the UI as the web portal is very old looking and still getting carried out.
When new web portal was launched, that was totally mess. Thank god that upstox have closed that. Now It’s time to renew the web portal as every broker is priving very nice looking and comfortable nevigation website but upstox is still the same.
Please share your opinion.

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Hi @Thestoploss -
I shared a reply to your comment on the other thread about this. As I mentioned, there are definitely opportunities for improvement and this is something we are starting to put into planning. Unfortunately, I can’t give timelines at this point. As we make progress, we will share updates here. Thanks for the feedback!

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You know why we love upstox… Because you are really taking our feedbacks and improving the experience…