Getting Request aborted [500] while Loginto api

Getting Request aborted [500] while Loginto api . Its happening frequently . weekly atleaset 3 times its happening and remaining days its workgin.

Its does not looks stable . Can you please check from your side and let me know. User name is “3ABQWZ”

Same here @Pradeep_Jaiswar

clear cache and close chrome again start doing it.

@sajith_raj @harsh_srivastava Please clear your cache and attempt again. It should work.

Today its happening for otp page. its incognito auto login so I bileave its not cache issue

Can you please check from your side once .

Its happening alternative days for me.

client id : 3ABQWZ

Getting an error.
Never felt an issue.

Tried in Incognito too…!

Login through QR also not working.

Tried to login through which worked and then created token in another tab using pin.

@sajith_raj @jenish We’ve made a few minor adjustments. Give it a try again after clearing your cache.

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Its logging in now
Prob is its happening in the morning which is stopping algo :frowning:

Hope this will not happen again

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@Pradeep_Jaiswar Again getting the same error while entering the phone number

can you pls check

@Pradeep_Jaiswar Again getting the same error today while entering the phone number

can you pls check

last 2 weeks no issue today started again