Request aborted [500] - Login Issues

I am not able to log into my account facing error Request aborted [500]
I am outside India

Welcome to Upstox community, @Nitish_Sainani

To fix this, please clear your browser cookies & cache and try logging in again.

If the problem persists, please let us know.

Hello, I am trying to access Upstox outside India, it won’t allow me to login. Shows Request aborted[500] error. Please help resolve asap.
I tried cleaning cache and opening in private browser, still same issue

Browser cache cleared
Different browser
Login on Upstox website
Login from smallcase
Tried vpn

Tried all these things

This is issue of your CDN which is not blocking traffic from outside India

Please fix it.

Every person from outside India is facing it.

Please fix it ASAP and don’t ask me the booklet questions

Hey @Nitish_Sainani ,

Our team has fixed this issue. Request you to please try logging in again. If you face any issue reach out to us here. Thanks.

started this issue again

please let us know what are your arrangement for tommorow

Hi @Aniket_Tawade,

Thank you for reaching out. To address this, we suggest clearing your browser’s cookies and cache and try attempting to login again.

If the problem persists, please let us know.

I used to automate my login process
now right after i enter my mobile number the cloudflare captcha is failing to solve…
the entire thing is in incognito mode and the process to get there is automated.

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Hi @Mahesh_Herle ,

Our team has fixed this issue. Request you to please try logging in again. If you face any issue please share a screenshot along with your UCC ID and we’ll get it checked. Thanks!

Found one temporary fix for this Request aborted [500] issue.

  1. construct the url with your api_key and redirect RUI like below

standard_uri= “”

  1. Open this url in edge browser , enter phone number and enter OTP manually so you will get the request_token manually within the url

  2. Enter this request_token in below method and hit it

def getaccesstoken():
post_url =“”
headers = {
“accept” : “application/json”,
“Api-Version”: “2.0”,
“Content-Type”: “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”

data = {
        "code": request_token,
        "client_id": api_key,
        "client_secret": api_secret,
        "redirect_uri": redirect_url,
        "grant_type": "authorization_code"

response =, headers=headers, data=data)
return response.content

You will get the access token.

Note: via automation its failing with Request aborted [500] so just found this work around to continue trading by manually generating the access token for the day.
Looking upstox team to fix this actually issue soon. Happy trading !!