We understand that when you start investing or trading for the first time, there will be a lot of questions. Some questions are related to our app while others are about how to select your first mutual fund or how to do technical analysis. These are some of the most common questions we get asked that are related to getting started with the Upstox app.
- How do I activate the derivatives segment from my Upstox mobile app?
- How to activate MTF?
- How do I activate the Commodities segment from my Upstox mobile app?
- What documents are required to open an account with Upstox?
- How can I open a new Trading and Demat account?
- How do I login using my mobile number?
- How can I add funds to my Upstox account?
- My payment has been failing? What should I do next?
- How do I reset my PIN?
- How to invest in SIPs (auto-debit) by bank mandate?
- How do I reactivate a dormant Upstox account if it has been dormant for less than 12 months?
- How do I use triggers?