Order execution latency enhancements!

Hello everyone!

We’re excited to announce an upgrade that’s set to enhance your trading experience even further. :rocket:

With our recent improvements to latency via the dedicated HFT (High-Frequency Trading) endpoint, we’re now introducing a new feature:

:zap:Latency Transparency:zap:

What does this mean for you?
Previously, once an order was fired, the latency remained hidden, leaving you guessing about execution times. Now, with the new update, every order response includes an execution latency field—giving you greater transparency and insight into each trade.

This feature is now available in the beta release of our v3 Place Order HFT API. Check it out and see how this can bring even more precision to your trading strategy: Place Order V3 | Upstox Developer API

:zap: And yes, this API also has slicing factored in!

Let us know your thoughts, and as always, happy trading!


Is this improved version for https://api-hft.upstox.com/v2/order/place in performance or only added metadata latency?

Hi @JC4997

These two APIs do not have any latency differences at the moment. The new version (v3) supports slicing and latency transparency.

However, we’ll always be making updates to the latency as and when we see room to reduce it even more. These updates will ship to the v3 APIs and thereon.

Thanks for reply.

Appreciate your API team and upstox on delivering good products. I am seeing lot of features from upstox improving day by day.
