Mutual fund order skipped?

I started a sip on 20 January
first sip 20th January
21st auto debit approved
next instalment was supposed to be on 20th feb
it didn’t happened and it shows next sip on 20 th march

limit more than 20 character

Hey @Aslan,

Thanks for sharing your details with us. Let us check and get back to you with an update shortly.

please dont call on registered number it might not be answered you can email the reply

Hey @Aslan,

For monthly SIPs, there should be a 30-day gap between installments. Your SIP, starting on 20th Jan which was a non trading day (Saturday), lacked a 30-day gap till 20th Feb, causing it to skip. Hence, the next SIP deduction will be on 20th March. Visit: How come my SIP deduction didn't happen despite setting up AutoSIP? - Upstox Help Center for details. Hope this helps. Thanks.

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