Incorrect trading symbol in Instruments JSON file for Options

Hi, I see that the the trading symbol of the Options contract in json file comes in a format - “NIFTY 25000 CE 29 AUG 24”. This used to appear as “NIFTY24AUG25000CE” in the instruments csv file which was correct because the quotes API also returns the trading symbol in the same format i.e. {“status”:“success”,“data”:{“NSE_FO:NIFTY24AUG24850CE”:{“last_price”:192.7,“instrument_token”:“NSE_FO|74690”}}}. Can you please make change in the trading symbol format in json file so that it remains on sync with the CSV file as well as API response ?

Hi @saurabhbajaj123 Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We’ve forwarded the information to the appropriate team.

However, we recommend not fully relying on symbol or trading_symbol, as these can be a combination of symbol name, instrument, expiry date, etc. The format of this value may differ between weekly and monthly contracts, potentially causing inconsistencies in the CSV files. These inconsistencies have been addressed in the JSON files. Instead, please use the instrument_token, which is the unique identifier used across Upstox APIs for instrument identification.

Hi @Anand_Sajankar , Thanks for the prompt response. Actually I do not want to rely on symbol or trading_symbol but the issue is that the quotes API returns the trading symbol as a key of the JSON object and not the “instrument_token”. The Quote API response comes back as “{“status”:“success”,“data”:{“NSE_FO:NIFTY24AUG24850CE”:{“last_price”:192.7,“instrument_token”:“NSE_FO|74690”}}}”. It would be good if the key of this response comes back as “instrument_token” and not trading symbol. Please see if this change can be made in the API to return only the instrument_token. Thanks!