How to do technical analysis and day to day trading? What is the most successful strategy?

I am vey beginner in trading world, i want to understand the basic of trading so Can someone explains to me
How to do technical analysis and day to day trading? What is the most successful strategy?


Top 5 books to start your investment journey:

  1. The intelligent investor by Benjamin Graham - To learn Fundamental Analysis
  2. Technical Analysis explained by Martin Pring - To learn Technical Analysis
  3. Option volatility & Pricing by Sheldon Natenberg - To learn Options trading
  4. Trading in the zone by Mark Douglas - To learn about Psychology of Markets
  5. Market Wizards by Jack Schwager - Interviews with Top traders

Also, we conduct free webinars on regular basis to upskill the knowledge for beginners like you. You can grab a seat from here : Investor Masterclass - Upstox