Hi.. My upstox is showing " Invalid pan number " Since few days and i cant do any trade becoz of this.... Kindly help pls

Hi… My upstox is showing " Invalid pan number " Since few days and i cant do any trade becoz of this… Kindly help pls.

I am also having same issue

Hey @Midhun_Rajasekher,

Could you please raise a ticket here: https://uptx.to/tikt, and share the ticket number with us. This will facilitate further investigation and help us address your query effectively. Thank you.

Hi @JaskaranSingh,

Thank you for sharing your ticket ID in another community post. Rest assured, we are looking into this and our team will get in touch with you soon to talk about this in detail.

My ticket number is 8231822.
I have already contacted NSE and thay told me like to contact ur broker (upstox) and ask if they have updated ur pan details correctly…

Hello @Midhun_Rajasekher,

Thanks for sharing your ticket ID. We are looking into this and our team will get in touch with you soon to talk about this in detail.

I am not able to place order because 17177 invalid PAN card error. My user ID is 6 MANUB
And my tracking ID is -[#8373358]

Hey @Chaithra_Raviprasad,

We’ve noticed a name mismatch in our records for your account. Please submit a name modification request to update the details. Visit this link for more information: How do I change my name on my account? - Upstox Help Center. Thank you.

How to upload my updated PAN card in upstox app?

Hey @Chaithra_Raviprasad,

Our team had attempted to contact you, but unfortunately, we were unable to reach you. We will proceed to respond to your active ticket instead. Please reply to the same ticket with the new PAN details in case your PAN details got changed that require updating in our system along with an attested copy of the new PAN card.

If you encounter any difficulties, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Thank you.

My name is Chaitra Raviprasad.
And My name is Chaitra Raviprasad in my PAN card also.
But in your system you mentioned only chaithra. Chaitra Raviprasad is mentioned in all my documents.

Hi @Chaithra_Raviprasad ,

we have arranged a call for you to address this. Also, please refrain from sharing your personal details on public platform for security reasons. You can share such details on the ticket 8373358. Thank you.

Bro my orders are getting rejected showing the invalid pan error. I have also raised a ticket:8455904. Please help me out
@Vaibhav_Naik @Ishaque

Hi @Priyanshu_Krishnani,

We have replied to your another thread. You can please check here : Invalid Pan Error: 17177

I am also facing the same issue while trying to place a order. The order get rejected and shows invalid pan number. User id :- 72AL2G

Hi @Swapnali_Gaonkar,

We are getting this checked and will get back to you with an update.

Hi, My father created an account and is facing same issue. We have also created ticket, but no update yet. Ticket numberis 8498408
Thank you

Welcome to the Upstox community, @Arun_Suresh

An Upstox representative will reach out to you soon.