Creating API Access Token to Access Websockets from Outside India

Hey Everyone,

I am a Masters student studying in USA. Was planning to do a simple project to learn web sockets using Upstox websockets to display real time stock data of some Instruments.

So I had two queries

  1. Can I use upstock websockets in USA
  2. Tried creating a access token so that I can use that to get data from websocket. But when I tried to create an account, using both upstox mobile app and website it is saying I cannot create an account from USA. Is there a different way to achieve this?

I am new to full stack, so my questions might sound basic, apologies for that.

Please suggest

Thank you for reaching out. You canā€™t open an account because a regulation requires you to be in India during the account opening process.

However, the Upstox API does not have such restrictions regarding access from within or outside India. Once your Upstox account is created, you can use the API from anywhere.

Thank you for the response!!

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