Common wallet for COMMODITIES & STOCKS

Is common wallet for both STOCKS, CURRENCIES & COMMODITIES are coming in UPSTOX ?
I have read it on Twitter that you guys are planning to introduce common wallet is that true?
If yes when?(estimate time)
If not then please implement it , it is hard to maintain Seperate funds for two Commodities & stocks, if common wallet get introduced it will be really beneficial, specially for lower capital traders.

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Hi @Ajay,

We are working on this feature to offer one common wallet.

We will announce it here once the feature rolls out.

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@Ushnota Any update on COMBINED WALLET feature?
Its been almost a year since i last asked about this feature

Hey @Ajay ,

Weā€™ve noted your request for a unified wallet feature, and our team is actively working on it. While we canā€™t provide a specific timeline right now, please know that weā€™re addressing this update. We appreciate your patience and loyalty to Upstox. If you require any other assistance, feel free to reachout to us. Thank you!

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