In the mobile version of UPSTOX, there is a facility to place GTT orders buy price,stop loss and targets are placed together.Further we can monitor the trade on periodic basis. But when current price of stock is above buy price you cannot change the stop loss price the system allows to chane it below to the buy price . In such condition profit cannot be protected ( when current price is say 10-20% much above t h e Buy price. ) The system allows to change SL max upto buy price ( 0.99% of buy price) . Therfore investors prospecting profit is not covered through change in SL Price.
UPSTOX Team kindly look into this aspect.
Hey @Praful_Bhale
I am Vivek and I am part of the product team at Upstox. Thanks a lot for raising this query related to GTT. For a faster resolution to this, I kindly request you to raise a Freshdesk ticket
This way, our support team will be able to resolve this more efficiently and you can also keep track of the same. Feel free to ping me here again in case this is not resolved even after raising the ticket.
Hi @Praful_Bhale -
If Iām understanding you correctly, this seems like you are looking for a āTrailing Stop Lossā order where as when the security moves, there is a comparable / relevant stop loss associated with the current price. Is that correct? Or are you looking to just to be able to manually do a shift in SL upwards (perhaps 1x) based on the upward movement in the security?
Sir ,thanks for understanding my GTT query on Upstox. Provision in GTT module( as suggested by you ) āManually do a shift in SL upwards (say 1x) when security prices are in upward movement where my target price is still faraway.ā It will help to safeguard profit in momentum investing through GTT .
Presently UPSTOX provides to cut my stop loss limited to my Buy price only .
Got it. For reference, we are working on launching trailing SL in the near future but this is a slightly different use case. Let me speak with the team and see if we can possibly integrate this.