Android 2.8.0: Smarter Watchlists, Clearer Tax Insights & More!

New Update Alert: Android 2.8.0 is here!

Here are some key highlights:

  1. Revamped Watchlist Experience :clipboard:
    Track your stocks effortlessly with the improved Watchlist for a more intuitive and user-friendly interface.

  2. Simplified Capital Gains Insights :chart_with_upwards_trend:
    Mutual Fund gains now include clearer Long Term (LTCG) and Short Term (STCG) tax details.

  3. Enhanced Mutual Fund Features :hammer_and_wrench:
    TOI removed for Mutual Funds, and key NPS CUG fixes ensure smoother transactions.

  4. Stay on Top with MTF Nudges :bell:
    Get timely reminders and updates for Margin Trading Facility campaigns through strategic nudges.

Do check it out and let us know what you think!

@Ushnota you are talking about watchlist feature on UPSTOX FOR INVESTORS?
because on UPSTOX PRO that mentioned watchlist feature is not available as of now , i am on 2.8.0 version.

Hi @Ajay,

Yes, it’s for Upstox for Investors. Hope you enjoy using it!

What about the enhanced watchlist for UPSTOX PRO , Watchlist on UPSTOX PRO is typical not like other brokers where we can easily swipe watchlist & modify it .
Current it is like old version of web kindly make it like current version of web which is more better

Hi @Ajay,

It’s in the pipeline for Upstox Pro for the upcoming JFM quarter. Stay tuned.

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