Why does my market data feed provide the closing time for I1 and I30 interval timestamps instead of the start time?

I am working with a market data feed that provides OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) data for different intervals, such as I1 (1-minute) and I30 (30-minute) candles. However, I noticed that the timestamps in the feed represent the closing time of the interval rather than the start time.

For example:

  • For a 1-minute interval (I1), the timestamp corresponds to the end of the minute (e.g., 10:01:00 for the interval 10:00:00 to 10:00:59).
  • Similarly, for a 30-minute interval (I30), the timestamp corresponds to the end of the 30-minute period (e.g., 10:30:00 for the interval 10:00:00 to 10:29:59).

My Questions:

  1. Is it standard practice for market data feeds to provide the closing time instead of the start time for interval timestamps? If so, why?
  2. Should I adjust these timestamps to represent the start time when storing the data in my database? (e.g., subtracting 1 minute for I1 or 30 minutes for I30 intervals)
  3. Are there any specific use cases where using the closing time as the timestamp is preferred over the start time?

Ok I understand the logic behind it, its just the live candle which is going to be closed after a minute.