What would you like to see on Upstox?

Hello everyone!

Hope you had a great start to the new year. Now, let us know how we can make it better. Just fill the blanks below and we will take note of it!

In #2024, I want Upstox to __

(share your recommendations below👇)

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In #2024, I want Upstox to make better use of screen real estate space in it’s Android mobile app… For example in the GTT section under Orders each entry is taking up 6 lines and a lot of unnecesary scrolling is required… Same is happening on various other screens too…

Additionally there should be an option to sort the GTT orders screen by % away from stop loss, price away from stop loss, last modified, created, alphabetically etc etc. Similarly many other obvious things are missing from various other screens…

Hoping to see these and other improvements soon :pray: