As per the details available on various chat here, I have understood following point and I would request you to kindly reconfirm ( or inform correct status) the followings:
Max no of app per user=6
Max no of web socket connection per app=3 or
Max no of web socket connection per user=3
Max no of stocks per web socket=100
Hope to get quick revert
Thanks for your prompt response. I have a followup query on V3.
Connection- 1 connection per app-user combination is the Individual Limit - Does this mean that one user can have just one we socket connection or it is just only 1 connection per app, and we can have many app with connection subject to instrument limits ( point 2 below) and if so how, many app one user will be allowed.
It states that if subscribe full,2000 instrument keys subscription ie the individual limit. Suppose I have 10 scripts, then can each script access 100 different stocks through individual web socket connection means 10 web socket connections in total
For each application, you are allowed a single WebSocket connection. If you create two applications, you can generate two access tokens, enabling two separate WebSocket connections.
For the second point, I assume that by âscripts,â you are referring to ten different programs, each utilizing data for 100 different stocks, resulting in a total requirement of approximately 1,000 stocks. If you intend to run all scripts concurrently, establishing a new WebSocket connection for each program will not be feasible. Instead, I recommend using a shared WebSocket connection across all scripts, allowing each script to subscribe or unsubscribe as needed within that connection.
Thanks Ketan,
As we have one web socket per app restriction now in V3, can I add few more apps with dedicated websockets keeping total subscription at my account level as per the upper limit prescribed. Hope for a quick response on how many apps can I create.
Thanks. It seems that one can have ONLY one web socket connection irrespective of no of apps one creates. I tried creating another app+web socket combination, but it is not allowing as throwing this exception âHandshake status 403 Forbiddenâ. Is it so?