i have been using the websocket fr long time it was working fine bt now it says 18:49:49.189 MarketFeederService com.example.marketdepth D Authorized WebSocket URL: wss://wsfeeder-api.upstox.com/market-data-feeder/v2/upstox-developer-api/feeds?requestId=175ab449-3d2c-459f-a513-75dc4423dd31&code=znLdQ-c422783b-692e-4b63-98a8-7a281df6629c
18:49:49.267 MarketFeederService com.example.marketdepth D Disconnected from WebSocket. Code: 1002, Reason: Invalid status code received: 403 Status line: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
18:49:49.280 MarketFeederService com.example.marketdepth D Attempting to speak: Disconnected From websocket
also is there any new changes in the proto file that is causing this error cz the accesstoken is passed correctly also the setup is still the same
@Mandar_Pawar Could you please share your user ID so we can look into this issue?
@shanmu my used id is 659815
@Mandar_Pawar - Please try again and let me know if it works fine.
@shanmu it is now working fine thankyou.What was the issue was it blocked by ur side?
hi @shanmu it is now connecting to webscoket bt sometimes it get disconnected with the error 15:15:42.722 MarketFeederService com.example.marketdepth D Disconnected from WebSocket. Code: 1006, Reason: The connection was closed because the other endpoint did not respond with a pong in time. For more information check: Lost connection detection · TooTallNate/Java-WebSocket Wiki · GitHub
Could you try the same using our WebSocket streamer in the SDK? I’d like to do this to rule out any local code-related issues.