Websocket Connection issue

i have been using the websocket market data streamer v2 fr long time it was working fine bt now when i change to Datastreamer V3 it is saying D TextToSpeech initialized successfully
18:09:29.226 MarketFeederService com.example.marketdepth E Failed to fetch WebSocket URL. Code: 401
18:09:29.236 MarketFeederService com.example.marketdepth D Authorized WebSocket URL: wss://wsfeeder-api.upstox.com/market-data-feeder/v3/upstox-developer-api/feeds?requestId=c5a99ac3-2588-4149-bafd-727d9e0dd395&code=LAoJK-9dbaba04-5152-4a69-9403-b59afaf0345b
18:09:30.476 MarketFeederService com.example.marketdepth D Disconnected from WebSocket. Code: 1002, Reason: Invalid status code received: 403 Status line: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
18:09:30.487 MarketFeederService com.example.marketdepth D Unexpected disconnection. Attempting to reconnect…
18:09:35.502 MarketFeederService com.example.marketdepth E Error while reconnecting: null
The entire setup is the same it was working when using V2 Marketdatastreamer.
private void fetchAuthorizedWebSocketURL() {
private void fetchAuthorizedWebSocketURL() {
OkHttpClient httpClient = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder().url(AUTH_WS_URI).addHeader(“Authorization”, "Bearer " + accessToken).addHeader(“Accept”, “application/json”).build();

    httpClient.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() {
        public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
            Log.e("MarketFeederService", "Error fetching WebSocket URL: " + e.getMessage());

        public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {
            if (response.isSuccessful()) {
                String responseBody = response.body().string();
                String wsURL = new Gson().fromJson(responseBody, JsonObject.class).getAsJsonObject("data").get("authorized_redirect_uri").getAsString();
                Log.d("MarketFeederService", "Authorized WebSocket URL: " + wsURL);
            } else {
                Log.e("MarketFeederService", "Failed to fetch WebSocket URL. Code: " + response.code());

private boolean isConnected = false;

private void connectWebSocket(String wsURL) {
    ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    OAuth oAuth = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAUTH2");

    MarketDataStreamerV3 marketDataStreamer = new MarketDataStreamerV3(defaultClient, instrumentKeys, Mode.FULL);
    marketDataStreamer.autoReconnect(true, 10, 5);

    marketDataStreamer.setOnOpenListener(() -> {
        Log.d("MarketFeederService", "Connected to WebSocket");
        showNotification("WebSocket Connected", "Successfully connected to the WebSocket");
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        int hourOfDay = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        String greeting;

        String notification =   "Webscoket Successfully Connected";
        if (textToSpeech != null) {
            Log.d("MarketFeederService", "Attempting to speak: " + notification);
            int speakResult = textToSpeech.speak(notification, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null, null);
            Log.d("MarketFeederService", "Speak result: " + speakResult);
        } else {
            Log.e("MarketFeederService", "TextToSpeech is null");
        showNotification("WebSocket Connected", "Successfully connected to the WebSocket");

        isConnected = true;  // Update connection status
        Log.d("MarketFeederService", "WebSocket Connected");


    marketDataStreamer.setOnMarketUpdateListener(new OnMarketUpdateV3Listener() {

        public void onUpdate(MarketUpdateV3 marketUpdate) {
            try {
                // Log the incoming update
                Log.d("MarketFeederService", "Received MarketUpdate: " + marketUpdate);

                // Step 1: Process feeds in MarketUpdate
                Map<String, MarketUpdateV3.Feed> feeds = marketUpdate.getFeeds();
                if (feeds == null || feeds.isEmpty()) {
                    Log.d("MarketFeederService", "No feeds available in MarketUpdate.");

                // Step 2: Iterate over the feeds and process relevant instruments
                for (Map.Entry<String, MarketUpdateV3.Feed> entry : feeds.entrySet()) {
                    String instrumentKey = entry.getKey();
                    MarketUpdateV3.Feed feed = entry.getValue();

                    // Only process if the instrument matches the subscribed key
                    if (currentInstrumentKeys != null && currentInstrumentKeys.equals(instrumentKey)) {
                        Log.d("MarketFeederService", "Processing subscribed instrument: " + instrumentKey);
                        processInstrument(feed, instrumentKey);  
                    } else {
                        Log.d("MarketFeederService", "Skipping instrument: " + instrumentKey);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e("MarketFeederService", "Error processing MarketUpdate: ", e);

    marketDataStreamer.setOnCloseListener((code, reason) -> {
        Log.d("MarketFeederService", "Disconnected from WebSocket. Code: " + code + ", Reason: " + reason);
        showNotification("WebSocket Disconnected", "Connection lost. Reason: " + reason);
        isConnected = false;  // Update connection status

        // Reconnect only if the disconnection was unexpected
        if (code != 1000) { // Code 1000 indicates normal closure
            Log.d("MarketFeederService", "Unexpected disconnection. Attempting to reconnect...");

            new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(() -> {
                if (!isConnected) {  // Only reconnect if not connected
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.e("MarketFeederService", "Error while reconnecting: " + e.getMessage());
            }, 5000); // 5-second delay before attempting to reconnect

    marketDataStreamer.setOnErrorListener(ex -> {
        Log.e("MarketFeederService", "WebSocket Error: " + ex.getMessage());

    try {
        if (!isConnected) {  // Only connect if not already connected
        } else {
            Log.d("MarketFeederService", "Already connected to WebSocket.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("MarketFeederService", "WebSocket connection error: " + e.getMessage());

Hi @Mandar_Pawar,

We are checking this and will get back to you soon. Thanks.

Hi @Mandar_Pawar,

In v2, it was possible to create multiple websocket connections because the number of instruments per connection was limited. However, in the v3 websocket, you can subscribe to approximately 2000 instrument keys in full mode, so only a single connection is permitted.

The most likely reason for the 403 Forbidden error is that you might be creating multiple connections as was allowed in the v2 websocket. Could you please confirm the number of connections you are attempting?

Thank you!

Hi @Ketan I am using only one websocket connection. I have a designed a reconnect mechanism in this if the websocket connection is lost it reconnects on its own.Today it got connected.I think the error was because the streamer has its own reconnect logic and I have a separate logic to reconnect this might be the issue.