User Id: KL2770
App name: trading tool
The webhook is not working
I placed some after-market orders and canceled them but received nothing on my server.
Please look into the issue as soon as possible.
Hi @Yadvendra_Sharma,
Could you please share your 6-digit user ID along with the webhook endpoint you are using?
yes, sent you a PM, please check
uderid: KL2770
Any update?
Yes, @Yadvendra_Sharma,
I have received your DM. The error you’re encountering is likely due to our firewall blocking updates to this URL.
We’ll need to verify the URL’s validity and, if feasible, arrange for a bypass. I have already conveyed this message to the relevant team.
Thank you!
Thanks for getting to it this quickly.
I am waiting for the response. Hopefully, It’ll get resolved quickly.
Any Update
actually, my work is stuck in the middle which is why I am pinging again and again.
We have submitted a request to whitelist the URL and are working to expedite the process. It should be completed within the next two days.
@Yadvendra_Sharma This has been completed. Please check it and let me know if there are any issues with the webhook now.
Hi @Pradeep_Jaiswar
thanks its working
and can you also please whitelist this URL also
white list this URL also @Pradeep_Jaiswar