Upstox API for business purpose?

how can i use the Upstox api for my business purpose, i want stock price and the change show on my application, How many requests are required for it, how generate API key for it ?

Hello @sudhanshu_mitkari,

You can get started by referring to this article: How to Create an API App.

Once you have obtained your API key and API secret, you will need to create an access token. For detailed guidance, please refer to the Authentication Documentation.

Additionally, we recommend reviewing the Example Codes for each API to facilitate seamless implementation.

Thank you.

how many stock price i can fetch at once, is there is limit of stocks i want’s to fetch more than 500 stocks price is this possible? (market time)

Hi @sudhanshu_mitkari
The Market Quote API has a limit of 500 stocks per call, while a single WebSocket connection supports up to 100 stocks.

Currently, there is no direct method to fetch live market data for more than 500 stocks simultaneously. However, our team is actively working on a new WebSocket release that will enable subscriptions to a larger number of instrument keys. You can find more details here: New Market Data WebSockets Discussion.