Trading Symbol is missing

Hello after applying Node, React SDK - to fetch real time data i am unable to get tradingSymbol.
here is the response i am getting -
i have also updated Proto file & .csv file

The response you are receiving is correct and aligns with the guidelines specified in the documentation available at

The response depends on the instrument key, which, in this instance, is NSE_EQ|INE406A01037.

After following documents and other info.
its is been unable displaye response while the console has correct data.
as i want to access the data nested data there is following error.
call from frontend - {data.feeds[“NSE_FO|37803”].ff.marketFF.eFeedDetails.atp}
response - ERROR
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘NSE_FO|37803’)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘NSE_FO|37803’)

While when only - call is - {data} then -
Response -

give me correct and better solutions guidance.

It appears from the preceding description that there might be a parsing error in your code. To provide more effective assistance, could you please share the code you’re using for parsing the response?