Introduce Open Interest Indicator on Upstox TradingView Library

Dear Upstox,

I would like to suggest the implementation of an Open Interest indicator on the TradingView hosted library version of Upstox. It would greatly benefit option traders and enhance the trading experience on your platform.

Thank you for considering this suggestion.

@11.11 Thanks for your post. Allow me some time and I will update you soon on this. Talking to the concerend team.


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Hi @11.11

Yes, this feature is on our roadmap.

Thank you for your suggestion.

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Sure, Thanks for the update! Looking forward to using it :slight_smile:

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Is there any update on Open Interest indicator on upstox trading view charts?

Hi @praveenrachamreddy,

The Open Interest indicator is currently available on the ChartIQ. However, as of now, there are no immediate plans to integrate this indicator directly onto the Trading View (TV) charts.

We appreciate your interest and feedback on this feature. Rest assured, we continuously evaluate and prioritize enhancements to our platform based on user needs and market trends. While there are no immediate plans for integration, we will certainly consider your request for future updates and improvements to our trading tools.