Hello Upstox Team ,
i am been using api since many days now i recognized that in websocket server provides not all data some data is missing like option greek, ask bid, and more.
here i am attaching the photo please check it.
please guide me
Response received with mode full
While Volume is also not been fetched from server while on docs there is mention of vol data.
data.candle[5] number Volume
: The total amount of the asset that was traded during the timeframe.
Yes @vinod_mokashi, you are correct. Option Greeks, as well as ask-bid and other fields, are missing for some of the instruments you subscribe to.
In the screenshot you shared of the Nifty Bank Index
, this is an index instrument key, and such keys do not include Option Greeks, ask-bid, or other related data since they are not directly traded on the exchange.
Similarly, for equity instruments, Option Greeks will also be unavailable. As options greeks data is only given in case of option contracts.
However, for option contracts, the complete data, including Option Greeks and other fields, will be provided.
I hope this clarifies your query.
Thank you!
Hello Ketan,
As you mentioned Option-greek are available for option contract but on api docs its missing