How to create API under uplink and what is the URL code to paste in new app?

How to create API under uplink and what is the URL code to paste in new app?

Thank you for getting in touch. To begin developing your app, you can refer to the instructions on how to create an API app at this link: How to Create an API App .

After successfully setting up your app, refer to the developer documentation available here to proceed with the integration process: Developer Documentation . Thoroughly understanding the documentation is crucial to ensuring a seamless and error-free interaction.

For a smoother integration experience, we also offer sample code at Sample Code Introduction and examples of a working WebSocket implementation at Sample WebSocket Implementation .

I would like to use upstox api through third party platform STOXXO (Algobaba).

it is required credentials like user id and password. how to generate password for upstox account. since only totp option is available… pls revert