I need the full option chain data on near real time basis.
Currently, I am calling the Nifty and BankNifty option chain api once every 30-40 seconds. And with this interval the program runs smoothly until market closes. But, on calling option chain at less than 30 seconds frequency, I inevitably get a 50x server side error within 1-2 hours.
Please check and confirm what is the optimal interval in which option chain api can be called without rejection from Upstox server side.
Calling websockets to compile the option chain is not possible due to 100 tokens per connection request limitation.
But, nothing could be better than getting the complete option chain via websockets. Do you have any plans to provide that?
Hi @Pi_S,
Yes, if you call the option chain API at intervals shorter than 30 seconds, you will encounter a rate limit. Please review the rate limit rules for further details.
Additionally, reducing the frequency of your requests will also trigger the rate limit.
We are currently discussing increasing the number instruments in a single WebSocket connection, and you are welcome to join the conversation in the new market data WebSocket discussion.
@Ketan Let’s say polling for the option chain every 10 seconds. It’s should not breach rate limit.That’s 6 calls in a minute and only 180 calls over 30 minutes.
Even calling this for two instruments will not bteach the rate limit. Do you have additional rate limiting which we do not know about?
Because, as I am writing this my program terminated again just now due to 504 gateway error.