Websocket data freeze for SENSEX

Data has stopped updating in websocket for SENSEX and its option chain since 11:37:04 AM

@Pradeep_Jaiswar @Ketan please help check

I had to restart the algorithm for the websocket to start working, I have implemented auto connect as well, could you tell how to avoid this? if websocket stops working what can be done?


The SDK includes streamer functions with built-in reconnect functionality. You can enable this feature by specifying the number of retries and the interval between them using the auto_reconnect(enable, interval, retryCount) function. You can consider using them for your code.

Please refer following links for more information

Thank you


I have the following implemented in my main() function:

process_thread = Thread(target=processThread)

streamer = upstox_client.MarketDataStreamer(
    upstox_client.ApiClient(configuration), instrument_keys, "full")

streamer.on("message", on_message)

# Modify auto-reconnect parameters: enable it, set interval to 10 seconds, and retry count to 3
streamer.auto_reconnect(True, 20, 3)


it already had auto_reconnect, is it missing something?