Instrument token check keep failing for NIFTY 24650 CE when fetched from option chain. When I place order with this instrument token it is placed but, when option chain is queried with this instrument token it does not find, this is 24650 CE, 18-07-2024 expiry, NSE_FO|36848. For all other options I am using the same code and they all work properly, only when this option is queried, check fails
code below: for the option mentioned above I never get a print of "inside call token check, but for all other options it works fine
(response_dict, call_token, put_token, threshold):
length = len(response_dict[‘data’])
call_delta = 0
put_delta = 0
for i in range(0,length):
a = response_dict[“data”][i]
if (a.get(“put_options”)[“instrument_key”] == put_token):
print(“inside put token check”)
put_delta = a.get(“put_options”)[“option_greeks”][‘delta’]
elif (a.get(“call_options”)[“instrument_key”] == call_token):
print(“inside call token check”)
call_delta = a.get(“call_options”)[“option_greeks”][‘delta’]