Language: Java
I’ve connected the websocket /feed/market-data-feed.
The live feed message from websocket is of type ByteBuffer.
I couldn’t parse the bytebuffer to String in java.
Even I referred your github project and this package is missing.
I tried using charset conversion and it’s not completely decoding.
Please provide a solution to convert bytebuffer to string.
Thank you for reaching out to us. It’s great to see your interest in exploring our APIs.
It seems that your code might be missing the protobuf decoding part. We’ve provided a complete implementation in the code example linked below. Please review it, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Yes, I’m facing problem in protobuf decoding part.
The java class is missing in your reference project.
Package io.swagger.client.api.MarketFeeder.FeedResponse.
If possible, please share the link to FeedResponse java class file.
Just to clarify, the FeedResponse is a subclass found within the MarketFeeder class. For further details, I suggest looking into the MarketFeeder class file.
I am facing this problem rn,
I have generated a file using protoc.
but i am getting this error at: Upstox.FeedResponse feedResponse = Upstox.FeedResponse.parseFrom(bytes.array());
Caused by: While parsing a protocol message, the input ended unexpectedly in the middle of a field. This could mean either that the input has been truncated or that an embedded message misreported its own length.
The example has v1 in proto file link Could this be the problem? since everyother place in the code v2 is used.