Tax PnL needs improvements

  1. The name of option is not mentioned in the report
  2. The quantity is scattered across multiple rows, all quantities for an instrument should be in a single row
  3. The turnover for each quantity is mentioned separately, which artificially inflates the turnover. Ideally it should be effective sales - effective purchase price.

All above points are implemented by one of the leading brokers, hope we can get it here too.

@Ushnota Can you kindly look into this

Hi @Kislay,

Thank you for your wonderful suggestions! Please note that all of these are already on the roadmap. We will update you once it rolls out. Appreciate your patience.

Hi @Ushnota ,
Thanks for the info. I would like to know if it is being worked upon, and specifically if can we get this financial year’s pnl as per the changes requested?

Hi @Kislay,

Yes, like I mentioned, these are already on the roadmap. We will update you here once it rolls out. And, you can see this FY’s P&L in the downloadable reports.