New APP - Error while editing app or deleteing existing app

Hello Upstox Api team,

I am facing issue while editing Redirect URL. I also tried to delete existing APP, but it also throws error.

I have attached screenshots for the same.

This is error while editing URL. It seems like CORS error.

Screenshot 2023-10-06 at 11.18.31 AM

CORS screen shot

Hi @Anand_Kumar

Can you share your UCC, our team will check and get back to you at the earliest.

Hi @AbhishekRathore

User Id : 5SALLE


Hey @AbhishekRathore,

Do you have any update from API team?



We’ve reviewed the problem, and it appears this might be a sporadic issue specific to your session.

However, to ensure we’ve covered all possibilities, could you please provide the console log from that session? If possible, try deleting the app once more and share the details displayed in the console log. This will help us delve deeper into the matter.
