Need dotnet core sdk

Hi i need dotnet core sdk please help

Please find the dotnet SDK link NuGet Gallery | upstox-dotnet-sdk 1.0.0

You can refer official documentation here Upstox Developer API - Documentation of investment and trading platform developer API

Thank you Pradeep for you and your team efforts on making dotnet sdk in quick time. I appreciate you.

I have created console based application using .net 4.8 version for testing sdk.

Following steps for installation as per instructions on NuGet Gallery | upstox-dotnet-sdk 1.0.0

  1. Successfully added “upstox-dotnet-sdk” package from nuget package manager
  2. I do not find the build.bat files to generate dll files. For your information uploaded screen shot

    Please look into this and provide the steps


Thank you for reaching out and showing interest in our dotnet SDK.

For the installation, you have two options: utilizing the nuget process or manually pulling from GitHub and building it yourself.

We acknowledge the oversight regarding the missing build file. Rest assured, this will be addressed in our upcoming release.

Although both methods are viable, we suggest using the nuget package for a smoother experience.

Now that you’ve successfully set up the upstox-dotnet-sdk, you’re all set to explore its features using the sample guides available at GitHub - upstox/upstox-dotnet: Official .NET SDK for accessing Upstox API.

Should you encounter any challenges, please don’t hesitate to inform us.

thanks shanmu. I have pulled code from Github and followed your instructions. I am able to build code.

and I didn’t find WebSocket implementation code. Can you please provide sample code for live stream of data.


The code for WebSocket implementation will be accessible in the forthcoming version.

We are scheduling its inclusion in upcoming releases. We will promptly inform you once it becomes available in the library. Thank you for your patience.

Thank you very much pradeep. I will wait for the web socket to initiate my programing trades.

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Hi Development team,

Is there plan to release websocket in dotnet language.

I have been waiting for websocket in dotnet.


Your follow-up is acknowledged. We will provide an update as soon as there are advancements on this matter.

Any updates on .net websocket ?


This is a WIP and should see light very soon. We’ll keep you posted on this.

Thank you!

Thank you very much shanmu and your team. We are waiting.

The latest code is not at all building and throwing exception in IRestRequest and IRestResponse


This situation shouldn’t occur. Nevertheless, we will investigate and provide a follow-up.

Thank you!