Monitor Order Status

Hi, so I was planning to write a code that will monitor the status of my buy order and as soon as the status is complete, it will place a SL automatically.

I am using while loop for it, it’s working for sometime and later ti throws error :

{“status”:“error”,“errors”:[{“errorCode”:“UDAPI10005”,“message”:“Too Many Request Sent”,“propertyPath”:null,“invalidValue”:null,“error_code”:“UDAPI10005”,“property_path”:null,“invalid_value”:null}]}

I am using 1 Sec sleep time, so it will check for order status for each second. Other than increasing sleep time, what are the option I can use to check for order status each second? Or is there any trigger kind of option available that I can use, so instead of using while, I can place SL as soon as the first order trigger is complete.


To address the issue you are encountering, you can subscribe to the Portfolio Websocket and set the update_types parameter to position. This will allow you to receive websocket message when your pending order is converted to a position.

For your convenience, you can use the PortfolioStreamer class, which allows you to enable position and holding updates by setting the respective flags to True in the constructor.


Thanks a lot @Ketan I will surely try this.