iOS App - "Explore App" pop-up keeps reappearing

Hi. Thank you for designing such a beautiful app. One small issue-
On Upstox App - Pro mode, I keep getting pop-up that “Your account is ready for transactions” on every other click.

Video: VIDEO-2023-09-26-21-50-49.mp4 - Google Drive

  1. On clicking that CTA “Take App Tour”, it redirects me to web-view where I again need to enter Mobile + OTP + PIN and then nothing happens.

  2. On clicking “Getting started”, nothing happens"

  3. There is Green Check box on Top-Right corner, it redirects application page which is already complete.

Device - Iphone 14, Upstox Pro mode.

Couple of other minor things.

  1. Similar issue in Upstox -Investor mode in iOS App. I am trying to buy a stock in cash segment. On clicking buy, bottom-drawer opens up with message “You account is ready for transactions” and on clicking “Get Started”, nothing happens. Please check video.

Video: Upstox-Investor Mode 1.mp4 - Google Drive

  1. Same thing when I try to buy mutual funds in “Investor” mode. On clicking buy, nothing happens.

  2. In " Account section" on, I am trying to update FATCA form. It is giving an error with message in black box (top-right corner)

  1. For inactive segment, the description under “BSE MF” seems incorrect. I suppose it is referring to Mutual Fund but description is related to equity derivatives on NSE.

Hi @jayeshruchandani,

Thanks for your detailed query. We understand your issue and we are working on it.

Our team will give you a call today to speak about it in detail.

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HI There, still facing the same issue. I signed 10 days ago and not able to use my ios mobile app.
Is this resolved?

i have also this problem in FATCA form

Welcome to the Upstox community, @Kavan_Patel

We are getting this checked and will get back to you with an update soon.

Hi @Kavan_Patel ,

We have resolved this. Request you to please check now.