Intermittent data miss for all Strikes as well as Nifty & Bank Nifty in Websocket API [Python SDK]

Hello Team,

Using V3

Intermittent data miss for all the Strikes including Nifty & Bank Nifty in Websocket API. timestamp of missed data part is not same for all instruments, randomly some instruments matches with others. Websocket is not stuck at any time, it received data for every 150 ms approx. I subscribed 98 instruments. There is no internet connectivity problem. Observed this problem on 10/02/2025.

Hi @ayappan_chellappan,

We are checking this and will get back to you soon. Thanks.

@Ushnota @shanmu, data missed today also.

one such strike is NIFTY 23300 PE 13 FEB 25, data missed from 02/11/2025 14:03:43.358 to 02/11/2025 14:55:24.595.

If the data from upstox is not reliable, how can it be used for trading?

Hi @ayappan_chellappan,

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused due to the issue with our Market WebSocket API v3 yesterday. A patch fix was released to resolve the problem, and the issue has now been addressed.

For more details, please refer to this thread: Community Post.

As of today, the WebSocket v3 API should be functioning correctly.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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Hi @Ketan, @Ushnota, @shanmu

Still I am observing intermittent data loss in All Strikes.
Data loss not observed in NIFTY & BANK NIFTY Spot.
for example, below are the LTT of strike NIFTY 23100 CE 13 FEB 25 received from Websocket.

1739418852XXX < no data for this second >
1739418857XXX. < no data for this second >

There are 266 such gaps noticed in strike NIFTY 23100 CE 13 FEB 25.
There are 718 such gaps noticed in strike NIFTY 23000 CE 13 FEB 25.
and so on for other strikes.

Can you please get back on this?