How to use Trade from charts feature on Pro Web

How to use Trade from charts feature on Pro Web

How do you find this feature?

  • Go to the TBT Chart Section of your account for any scrip you wish to trade. Switch to Trading View from right most icon (if your current chart is ChartIQ)

  • Toggle “instant order” ON from the top bar in the trading view navigation bar on charts, or keep it OFF if you want to place limit orders.

  • Once the trade goes through, you will see your order line (if the order is a limit order) that you can drag and modify the limit price.

  • If the order is executed, a Position Marker Line will appear with details: quantity, Intraday/Delivery tag, unrealized P&L, a reverse option, and a close position option.

    • Monitor your P&L and Positions along with the ability to instantly REVERSE the position from Long to Short or Short to Long. You can also square off the position directly from charts

    • Modify Order directly from chart. Check below:

When should you consider using this feature?

  • If you are an Intraday trader looking to amplify your trading capacity.
  • Reducing the time gap between analysis and execution
  • Want to Execute orders, monitor positions and take actions while staying on charts
  • When you spot an opportunity on charts and you want to quickly execute it with 1-click
  • If you need instant execution and control directly from the chart.