How to use Trade from charts feature on Pro Web
How do you find this feature?
Go to the TBT Chart Section of your account for any scrip you wish to trade. Switch to Trading View from right most icon (if your current chart is ChartIQ)
Toggle “instant order” ON from the top bar in the trading view navigation bar on charts, or keep it OFF if you want to place limit orders.
Once the trade goes through, you will see your order line (if the order is a limit order) that you can drag and modify the limit price.
If the order is executed, a Position Marker Line will appear with details: quantity, Intraday/Delivery tag, unrealized P&L, a reverse option, and a close position option.
• Monitor your P&L and Positions along with the ability to instantly REVERSE the position from Long to Short or Short to Long. You can also square off the position directly from charts
• Modify Order directly from chart. Check below:
When should you consider using this feature?
- If you are an Intraday trader looking to amplify your trading capacity.
- Reducing the time gap between analysis and execution
- Want to Execute orders, monitor positions and take actions while staying on charts
- When you spot an opportunity on charts and you want to quickly execute it with 1-click
- If you need instant execution and control directly from the chart.