How to get tick by tick data and historical data of perticular stock

Want to know that
• what’s the way to get tick by tick data and historical data from the upstox.
• what is the charges for that…
• provided in which format

For tick data, you can use the websocket. More here: Market Data Feed | Upstox Developer API.

And for the historical data, there is an API for that: Historical Candle Data | Upstox Developer API

You might also want to check the Intraday data as well through this API: Intraday Candle Data | Upstox Developer API

Complete details on the format, response data is provided in those respective links.

Price, so far, Upstox is providing for free as they are in early version. (as far as I know, someone from Upstox can provided the right information on this)

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