How to fetch bid/ask data of NSE bonds?

I’m using the below code to fetch NSE bonds data for the ISIN = INE342T07403.

url = "|INE342T07403"

but the following response doesn’t contain any bid/ask data. Is it possible to fetch bid/ask data from upstox API?


Hi @navs7, to access the bid/ask quote for any instrument, you’ll need to subscribe to the market feeder websocket in full mode. The bid/ask quote data will be available under the marketLevel.bidAskQuote field.

For simpler integration of websockets, you can refer to the streamer functionalities available in the following languages:

Also here is the example of feed which i received for INE342T07403

  "type": "live_feed",
  "feeds": {
    "NSE_EQ|INE342T07403": {
      "ff": {
        "marketFF": {
          "ltpc": {
            "ltp": 1020,
            "ltt": "1729057570000",
            "ltq": "30",
            "cp": 1020
          "marketLevel": {
            "bidAskQuote": [
                "bq": 1,
                "bp": 1000,
                "aq": 150,
                "ap": 1020,
                "bidQ": "1",
                "askQ": "150"
                "bq": 3,
                "bp": 980,
                "aq": 17,
                "ap": 1040,
                "bidQ": "3",
                "askQ": "17"
                "bq": 19,
                "bp": 862.2,
                "bidQ": "19"
          "optionGreeks": {},
          "marketOHLC": {
            "ohlc": [
                "interval": "1d",
                "close": 1020,
                "ts": "1729189800000"
          "eFeedDetails": {
            "cp": 1020,
            "tbq": 23,
            "tsq": 167,
            "lc": 816,
            "uc": 1224,
            "yh": 1100,
            "yl": 838.2
  "currentTs": "1729223753611"

Thank you.


thanks for the quick response! much appreciated. its working now.

1 Like

hi again, I was trying to obtain ‘bidAskQuote’ for more than 5 instrument keys. But I’m able to fetch only 4 per request (Is there any restriction for this?). Also if I don’t disconnect the streamer then the next feed which it updates is for only a single instrument.

instrument_keys = ["NSE_EQ|INE00QS24019", "NSE_EQ|INE00QS24027", "NSE_EQ|INE00QS24035", "NSE_EQ|INE00QS24043", "NSE_EQ|INE00XE07119", "NSE_EQ|INE00XE07143", "NSE_EQ|INE00XE07176"]
streamer = upstox_client.MarketDataStreamer(
        upstox_client.ApiClient(config), instrument_keys, "full"

response feed:

{'feeds': {'NSE_EQ|INE00XE07119': {'ff': {'marketFF': {'ltpc': {}, 'marketLevel': {}, 'optionGreeks': {}, 'marketOHLC': {}, 'eFeedDetails': {}}}}, 'NSE_EQ|INE00QS24043': {'ff': {'marketFF': {'ltpc': {'ltp': 251.75, 'ltt': '1729504221000', 'ltq': '82', 'cp': 251.75}, 'marketLevel': {'bidAskQuote': [{'bq': 3, 'bp': 251.75, 'bno': 1, 'aq': 14, 'ap': 251.95, 'ano': 1, 'bidQ': '3', 'askQ': '14'}, {'bq': 25, 'bp': 245.05, 'bno': 1, 'aq': 22, 'ap': 252.0, 'ano': 2, 'bidQ': '25', 'askQ': '22'}, {'bq': 150, 'bp': 245.0, 'bno': 1, 'bidQ': '150'}, {'bq': 55, 'bp': 220.1, 'bno': 1, 'bidQ': '55'}, {'bq': 1001, 'bp': 220.0, 'bno': 1, 'bidQ': '1001'}]}, 'optionGreeks': {}, 'marketOHLC': {'ohlc': [{'interval': '1d', 'close': 251.75, 'ts': '1729535400000'}]}, 'eFeedDetails': {'cp': 251.75, 'tbq': 1234.0, 'tsq': 36.0, 'lc': 201.4, 'uc': 302.1, 'yh': 263.74, 'yl': 240.0, 'fp': 251.75, 'fv': 82}}}}, 'NSE_EQ|INE00QS24035': {'ff': {'marketFF': {'ltpc': {'ltp': 250.25, 'ltt': '1729497559000', 'ltq': '10', 'cp': 250.25}, 'marketLevel': {'bidAskQuote': [{'bq': 7, 'bp': 249.05, 'bno': 2, 'aq': 50, 'ap': 258.97, 'ano': 1, 'bidQ': '7', 'askQ': '50'}, {'bq': 25, 'bp': 241.0, 'bno': 1, 'aq': 32, 'ap': 268.0, 'ano': 1, 'bidQ': '25', 'askQ': '32'}, {'bq': 50, 'bp': 220.05, 'bno': 1, 'bidQ': '50'}, {'bq': 50, 'bp': 220.01, 'bno': 1, 'bidQ': '50'}, {'bq': 1001, 'bp': 220.0, 'bno': 1, 'bidQ': '1001'}]}, 'optionGreeks': {}, 'marketOHLC': {'ohlc': [{'interval': '1d', 'close': 250.25, 'ts': '1729535400000'}]}, 'eFeedDetails': {'cp': 250.25, 'tbq': 1133.0, 'tsq': 82.0, 'lc': 200.2, 'uc': 300.3, 'yh': 266.5, 'yl': 225.0, 'fp': 250.25, 'fv': 10}}}}, 'NSE_EQ|INE00QS24027': {'ff': {'marketFF': {'ltpc': {'ltp': 250.0, 'ltt': '1729499746000', 'ltq': '10', 'cp': 250.0}, 'marketLevel': {'bidAskQuote': [{'bq': 2, 'bp': 249.55, 'bno': 1, 'aq': 10, 'ap': 252.9, 'ano': 1, 'bidQ': '2', 'askQ': '10'}, {'bq': 25, 'bp': 241.0, 'bno': 1, 'aq': 21, 'ap': 252.95, 'ano': 1, 'bidQ': '25', 'askQ': '21'}, {'bq': 50, 'bp': 220.05, 'bno': 1, 'bidQ': '50'}, {'bq': 50, 'bp': 220.01, 'bno': 1, 'bidQ': '50'}, {'bq': 1001, 'bp': 220.0, 'bno': 1, 'bidQ': '1001'}]}, 'optionGreeks': {}, 'marketOHLC': {'ohlc': [{'interval': '1d', 'close': 250.0, 'ts': '1729535400000'}]}, 'eFeedDetails': {'cp': 250.0, 'tbq': 1128.0, 'tsq': 31.0, 'lc': 200.0, 'uc': 300.0, 'yh': 262.0, 'yl': 240.0, 'fp': 250.0, 'fv': 10}}}}, 'NSE_EQ|INE00QS24019': {'ff': {'marketFF': {'ltpc': {'ltp': 252.0, 'ltt': '1729574633209', 'ltq': '17', 'cp': 249.01}, 'marketLevel': {'bidAskQuote': [{'bq': 5, 'bp': 248.95, 'bno': 1, 'aq': 20, 'ap': 252.0, 'ano': 2, 'bidQ': '5', 'askQ': '20'}, {'bq': 25, 'bp': 241.0, 'bno': 1, 'bidQ': '25'}, {'bq': 50, 'bp': 220.05, 'bno': 1, 'bidQ': '50'}, {'bq': 1001, 'bp': 220.0, 'bno': 1, 'bidQ': '1001'}, {}]}, 'optionGreeks': {}, 'marketOHLC': {'ohlc': [{'interval': '1d', 'open': 252.0, 'high': 252.0, 'low': 252.0, 'close': 252.0, 'volume': 17, 'ts': '1729535400000', 'vol': '17'}, {'interval': 'I1', 'open': 252.0, 'high': 252.0, 'low': 252.0, 'close': 252.0, 'volume': 17, 'ts': '1729574580000', 'vol': '17'}, {'interval': 'I30', 'open': 252.0, 'high': 252.0, 'low': 252.0, 'close': 252.0, 'volume': 17, 'ts': '1729574100000', 'vol': '17'}]}, 'eFeedDetails': {'atp': 252.0, 'cp': 249.01, 'vtt': '17', 'tbq': 1081.0, 'tsq': 20.0, 'lc': 199.2, 'uc': 298.81, 'yh': 260.0, 'yl': 241.0, 'fp': 252.0, 'fv': 17}}}}}, 'currentTs': '1729575853841'}

Hi @navs7
The market streamer is expected to have varying number of instruments with each update, as it reflects the trades executed at the exchange in real time.

As in your case, where data for 4 instruments was received in one tick, you will receive data for the missing instrument in the subsequent ticks.

Below is an example where data for 8 instruments has been received.

  "feed": {
    "type": "live_feed",
    "feeds": {
      "NSE_FO|43138": {
        "ff": {
          "marketFF": {
            "ltpc": {
              "ltp": 441.8,
              "ltt": "1729569144688",
              "ltq": "15",
              "cp": 447.1
            "marketLevel": {
              "bidAskQuote": [
                  "bq": 90,
                  "bp": 442.45,
                  "aq": 15,
                  "ap": 443.9,
                  "bidQ": "90",
                  "askQ": "15"
                  "bq": 75,
                  "bp": 442.4,
                  "aq": 120,
                  "ap": 443.95,
                  "bidQ": "75",
                  "askQ": "120"
                  "bq": 60,
                  "bp": 442.35,
                  "aq": 90,
                  "ap": 444.2,
                  "bidQ": "60",
                  "askQ": "90"
                  "bq": 225,
                  "bp": 442.25,
                  "aq": 105,
                  "ap": 444.25,
                  "bidQ": "225",
                  "askQ": "105"
                  "bq": 240,
                  "bp": 442.15,
                  "aq": 240,
                  "ap": 444.45,
                  "bidQ": "240",
                  "askQ": "240"
            "optionGreeks": {
              "op": 432.3,
              "up": 52080,
              "iv": 0.15092849731445312,
              "delta": -0.4685,
              "theta": -28.4741,
              "gamma": 0.0003,
              "vega": 31.1491,
              "rho": -5.6162
            "marketOHLC": {
              "ohlc": [
                  "interval": "1d",
                  "open": 434.5,
                  "high": 507.4,
                  "low": 398.45,
                  "close": 441.8,
                  "volume": 186750,
                  "ts": "1729535400000",
                  "vol": "186750"
                  "interval": "I1",
                  "open": 400.8,
                  "high": 427.5,
                  "low": 400,
                  "close": 424.65,
                  "volume": 20010,
                  "ts": "1729569060000",
                  "vol": "20010"
                  "interval": "I1",
                  "open": 425.95,
                  "high": 448.05,
                  "low": 423.5,
                  "close": 441.8,
                  "volume": 14730,
                  "ts": "1729569120000",
                  "vol": "14730"
                  "interval": "I30",
                  "open": 434.5,
                  "high": 507.4,
                  "low": 398.45,
                  "close": 441.8,
                  "volume": 186720,
                  "ts": "1729568700000",
                  "vol": "186720"
            "eFeedDetails": {
              "atp": 440,
              "cp": 447.1,
              "vtt": "186750",
              "oi": 761970,
              "tbq": 37365,
              "tsq": 34530,
              "lc": 0.05,
              "uc": 1253.9,
              "poi": 730080
      "NSE_EQ|INE040A01034": {
        "ff": {
          "marketFF": {
            "ltpc": {
              "ltp": 1727.6,
              "ltt": "1729569144091",
              "ltq": "2",
              "cp": 1728.7
            "marketLevel": {
              "bidAskQuote": [
                  "bq": 45,
                  "bp": 1727.6,
                  "aq": 114,
                  "ap": 1727.85,
                  "bidQ": "45",
                  "askQ": "114"
                  "bq": 829,
                  "bp": 1727.55,
                  "aq": 268,
                  "ap": 1727.9,
                  "bidQ": "829",
                  "askQ": "268"
                  "bq": 2,
                  "bp": 1727.5,
                  "aq": 701,
                  "ap": 1727.95,
                  "bidQ": "2",
                  "askQ": "701"
                  "bq": 83,
                  "bp": 1727.3,
                  "aq": 282,
                  "ap": 1728,
                  "bidQ": "83",
                  "askQ": "282"
                  "bq": 178,
                  "bp": 1727.2,
                  "aq": 281,
                  "ap": 1728.05,
                  "bidQ": "178",
                  "askQ": "281"
            "optionGreeks": {},
            "marketOHLC": {
              "ohlc": [
                  "interval": "1d",
                  "open": 1730.05,
                  "high": 1734.35,
                  "low": 1723,
                  "close": 1727.6,
                  "volume": 979467,
                  "ts": "1729535400000",
                  "vol": "979467"
                  "interval": "I1",
                  "open": 1728.8,
                  "high": 1728.85,
                  "low": 1726.45,
                  "close": 1727.95,
                  "volume": 55296,
                  "ts": "1729569060000",
                  "vol": "55296"
                  "interval": "I1",
                  "open": 1727.6,
                  "high": 1727.95,
                  "low": 1727.1,
                  "close": 1727.6,
                  "volume": 14615,
                  "ts": "1729569120000",
                  "vol": "14615"
                  "interval": "I30",
                  "open": 1730.05,
                  "high": 1734.35,
                  "low": 1723,
                  "close": 1727.6,
                  "volume": 685524,
                  "ts": "1729568700000",
                  "vol": "685524"
            "eFeedDetails": {
              "atp": 1728.44,
              "cp": 1728.7,
              "vtt": "983274",
              "tbq": 207903,
              "tsq": 551300,
              "lc": 1555.85,
              "uc": 1901.55,
              "yh": 1794,
              "yl": 1363.55
      "NSE_FO|43137": {
        "ff": {
          "marketFF": {
            "ltpc": {
              "ltp": 501,
              "ltt": "1729569144855",
              "ltq": "120",
              "cp": 495.65
            "marketLevel": {
              "bidAskQuote": [
                  "bq": 120,
                  "bp": 500.2,
                  "aq": 60,
                  "ap": 501.55,
                  "bidQ": "120",
                  "askQ": "60"
                  "bq": 225,
                  "bp": 500.15,
                  "aq": 210,
                  "ap": 501.6,
                  "bidQ": "225",
                  "askQ": "210"
                  "bq": 285,
                  "bp": 499.8,
                  "aq": 90,
                  "ap": 501.65,
                  "bidQ": "285",
                  "askQ": "90"
                  "bq": 90,
                  "bp": 499.7,
                  "aq": 60,
                  "ap": 501.7,
                  "bidQ": "90",
                  "askQ": "60"
                  "bq": 375,
                  "bp": 499.55,
                  "aq": 60,
                  "ap": 501.8,
                  "bidQ": "375",
                  "askQ": "60"
            "optionGreeks": {
              "op": 513.5,
              "up": 52080,
              "iv": 0.15130996704101562,
              "delta": 0.5315,
              "theta": -28.5464,
              "gamma": 0.0003,
              "vega": 31.1494,
              "rho": 6.144
            "marketOHLC": {
              "ohlc": [
                  "interval": "1d",
                  "open": 495.8,
                  "high": 550,
                  "low": 463.7,
                  "close": 501,
                  "volume": 197055,
                  "ts": "1729535400000",
                  "vol": "197055"
                  "interval": "I1",
                  "open": 548.55,
                  "high": 550,
                  "low": 518,
                  "close": 519.4,
                  "volume": 14355,
                  "ts": "1729569060000",
                  "vol": "14355"
                  "interval": "I1",
                  "open": 520,
                  "high": 520.65,
                  "low": 496.55,
                  "close": 501,
                  "volume": 10950,
                  "ts": "1729569120000",
                  "vol": "10950"
                  "interval": "I30",
                  "open": 495.8,
                  "high": 550,
                  "low": 463.7,
                  "close": 501,
                  "volume": 197040,
                  "ts": "1729568700000",
                  "vol": "197040"
            "eFeedDetails": {
              "atp": 512.29,
              "cp": 495.65,
              "vtt": "197055",
              "oi": 736365,
              "tbq": 35820,
              "tsq": 56115,
              "lc": 0.05,
              "uc": 1366.5,
              "poi": 735660
      "NSE_EQ|INE020B01018": {
        "ff": {
          "marketFF": {
            "ltpc": {
              "ltp": 525.65,
              "ltt": "1729569144840",
              "ltq": "10",
              "cp": 532.5
            "marketLevel": {
              "bidAskQuote": [
                  "bq": 5,
                  "bp": 525.7,
                  "aq": 231,
                  "ap": 525.9,
                  "bidQ": "5",
                  "askQ": "231"
                  "bq": 38,
                  "bp": 525.65,
                  "aq": 335,
                  "ap": 526,
                  "bidQ": "38",
                  "askQ": "335"
                  "bq": 601,
                  "bp": 525.6,
                  "aq": 595,
                  "ap": 526.05,
                  "bidQ": "601",
                  "askQ": "595"
                  "bq": 228,
                  "bp": 525.55,
                  "aq": 652,
                  "ap": 526.1,
                  "bidQ": "228",
                  "askQ": "652"
                  "bq": 1393,
                  "bp": 525.5,
                  "aq": 494,
                  "ap": 526.15,
                  "bidQ": "1393",
                  "askQ": "494"
            "optionGreeks": {},
            "marketOHLC": {
              "ohlc": [
                  "interval": "1d",
                  "open": 531,
                  "high": 532,
                  "low": 525.3,
                  "close": 525.65,
                  "volume": 369334,
                  "ts": "1729535400000",
                  "vol": "369334"
                  "interval": "I1",
                  "open": 527.5,
                  "high": 527.75,
                  "low": 526.1,
                  "close": 526.4,
                  "volume": 40354,
                  "ts": "1729569060000",
                  "vol": "40354"
                  "interval": "I1",
                  "open": 526.35,
                  "high": 526.65,
                  "low": 525.3,
                  "close": 525.65,
                  "volume": 21950,
                  "ts": "1729569120000",
                  "vol": "21950"
                  "interval": "I30",
                  "open": 531,
                  "high": 532,
                  "low": 525.3,
                  "close": 525.65,
                  "volume": 359000,
                  "ts": "1729568700000",
                  "vol": "359000"
            "eFeedDetails": {
              "atp": 528.61,
              "cp": 532.5,
              "vtt": "369349",
              "tbq": 252092,
              "tsq": 326655,
              "lc": 479.25,
              "uc": 585.75,
              "yh": 654,
              "yl": 259.45
      "NSE_EQ|INE669E01016": {
        "ff": {
          "marketFF": {
            "ltpc": {
              "ltp": 8.64,
              "ltt": "1729569144812",
              "ltq": "5",
              "cp": 8.5
            "marketLevel": {
              "bidAskQuote": [
                  "bq": 243177,
                  "bp": 8.64,
                  "aq": 137198,
                  "ap": 8.65,
                  "bidQ": "243177",
                  "askQ": "137198"
                  "bq": 494111,
                  "bp": 8.63,
                  "aq": 316372,
                  "ap": 8.66,
                  "bidQ": "494111",
                  "askQ": "316372"
                  "bq": 602906,
                  "bp": 8.62,
                  "aq": 739920,
                  "ap": 8.67,
                  "bidQ": "602906",
                  "askQ": "739920"
                  "bq": 761157,
                  "bp": 8.61,
                  "aq": 751946,
                  "ap": 8.68,
                  "bidQ": "761157",
                  "askQ": "751946"
                  "bq": 931814,
                  "bp": 8.6,
                  "aq": 736022,
                  "ap": 8.69,
                  "bidQ": "931814",
                  "askQ": "736022"
            "optionGreeks": {},
            "marketOHLC": {
              "ohlc": [
                  "interval": "1d",
                  "open": 8.52,
                  "high": 8.73,
                  "low": 8.52,
                  "close": 8.64,
                  "volume": 40918473,
                  "ts": "1729535400000",
                  "vol": "40918473"
                  "interval": "I1",
                  "open": 8.67,
                  "high": 8.68,
                  "low": 8.64,
                  "close": 8.67,
                  "volume": 3253115,
                  "ts": "1729569060000",
                  "vol": "3253115"
                  "interval": "I1",
                  "open": 8.67,
                  "high": 8.67,
                  "low": 8.64,
                  "close": 8.64,
                  "volume": 649862,
                  "ts": "1729569120000",
                  "vol": "649862"
                  "interval": "I30",
                  "open": 8.52,
                  "high": 8.73,
                  "low": 8.52,
                  "close": 8.64,
                  "volume": 39427116,
                  "ts": "1729568700000",
                  "vol": "39427116"
            "eFeedDetails": {
              "atp": 8.66,
              "cp": 8.5,
              "vtt": "40918481",
              "tbq": 14083217,
              "tsq": 19598963,
              "lc": 7.65,
              "uc": 9.35,
              "yh": 19.18,
              "yl": 8.42
      "NSE_EQ|INE002A01018": {
        "ff": {
          "marketFF": {
            "ltpc": {
              "ltp": 2745,
              "ltt": "1729569144556",
              "ltq": "100",
              "cp": 2738.4
            "marketLevel": {
              "bidAskQuote": [
                  "bq": 26,
                  "bp": 2744.85,
                  "aq": 10,
                  "ap": 2745,
                  "bidQ": "26",
                  "askQ": "10"
                  "bq": 65,
                  "bp": 2744.75,
                  "aq": 55,
                  "ap": 2745.3,
                  "bidQ": "65",
                  "askQ": "55"
                  "bq": 6,
                  "bp": 2744.7,
                  "aq": 150,
                  "ap": 2745.45,
                  "bidQ": "6",
                  "askQ": "150"
                  "bq": 156,
                  "bp": 2744.65,
                  "aq": 3,
                  "ap": 2745.5,
                  "bidQ": "156",
                  "askQ": "3"
                  "bq": 18,
                  "bp": 2744.6,
                  "aq": 6,
                  "ap": 2745.55,
                  "bidQ": "18",
                  "askQ": "6"
            "optionGreeks": {},
            "marketOHLC": {
              "ohlc": [
                  "interval": "1d",
                  "open": 2738.4,
                  "high": 2752,
                  "low": 2736.55,
                  "close": 2745,
                  "volume": 475607,
                  "ts": "1729535400000",
                  "vol": "475607"
                  "interval": "I1",
                  "open": 2748.4,
                  "high": 2749.8,
                  "low": 2744,
                  "close": 2745.9,
                  "volume": 26293,
                  "ts": "1729569060000",
                  "vol": "26293"
                  "interval": "I1",
                  "open": 2745.05,
                  "high": 2746.25,
                  "low": 2744.25,
                  "close": 2745,
                  "volume": 8194,
                  "ts": "1729569120000",
                  "vol": "8194"
                  "interval": "I30",
                  "open": 2738.4,
                  "high": 2752,
                  "low": 2737.4,
                  "close": 2745,
                  "volume": 431472,
                  "ts": "1729568700000",
                  "vol": "431472"
            "eFeedDetails": {
              "atp": 2745.4,
              "cp": 2738.4,
              "vtt": "475717",
              "tbq": 211403,
              "tsq": 308259,
              "lc": 2464.6,
              "uc": 3012.2,
              "yh": 3217.6,
              "yl": 2220.3
      "NSE_EQ|INE009A01021": {
        "ff": {
          "marketFF": {
            "ltpc": {
              "ltp": 1867.65,
              "ltt": "1729569144859",
              "ltq": "42",
              "cp": 1852.75
            "marketLevel": {
              "bidAskQuote": [
                  "bq": 2,
                  "bp": 1867.55,
                  "aq": 32,
                  "ap": 1867.6,
                  "bidQ": "2",
                  "askQ": "32"
                  "bq": 53,
                  "bp": 1867.3,
                  "aq": 42,
                  "ap": 1867.65,
                  "bidQ": "53",
                  "askQ": "42"
                  "bq": 28,
                  "bp": 1867.25,
                  "aq": 18,
                  "ap": 1867.8,
                  "bidQ": "28",
                  "askQ": "18"
                  "bq": 5,
                  "bp": 1867.15,
                  "aq": 93,
                  "ap": 1867.95,
                  "bidQ": "5",
                  "askQ": "93"
                  "bq": 108,
                  "bp": 1867.1,
                  "aq": 43,
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