Get Holdings API Error

Is this API working for anyone, because for me it is only printing a partial response
Response I am recieving:
Holdings Response: { status: ‘success’, data: }

Response I should be getting as per Get Holdings | Upstox Developer API:
“status”: “success”,
“data”: [
“isin”: “INE528G01035”,
“cnc_used_quantity”: 0,
“collateral_type”: “WC”,
“company_name”: “YES BANK LTD.”,
“haircut”: 0.2,
“product”: “D”,
“quantity”: 36,
“trading_symbol”: “YESBANK”,
“tradingsymbol”: “YESBANK”,
“last_price”: 17.05,
“close_price”: 17.05,
“pnl”: -61.2,
“day_change”: 0,
“day_change_percentage”: 0,
“instrument_token”: “NSE_EQ|INE528G01035”,
“average_price”: 18.75,
“collateral_quantity”: 0,
“collateral_update_quantity”: 0,
“t1_quantity”: 0,
“exchange”: “NSE”
“isin”: “INE036A01016”,
“cnc_used_quantity”: 0,
“collateral_type”: “WC”,
“haircut”: 1,
“product”: “D”,
“quantity”: 1,
“trading_symbol”: “RELINFRA”,
“tradingsymbol”: “RELINFRA”,
“last_price”: 174.85,
“close_price”: 169.2,
“pnl”: -17.7,
“day_change”: 0,
“day_change_percentage”: 0,
“instrument_token”: “NSE_EQ|INE036A01016”,
“average_price”: 192.55,
“collateral_quantity”: 0,
“collateral_update_quantity”: 0,
“t1_quantity”: 0,
“exchange”: “NSE”

Hi @Medhansh_Singh_Verma, it’s working fine for me, can you share your UCC for further investigation?

I want to add that I have a Demat Account with Upstox and only have Mutual Funds in Portfolio no Equities.
Will the API call fetch my Mutual Fund Holdings?

Mutual fund holdings are not included in this portfolio API. In fact, the Upstox API currently does not support mutual fund portfolios. We will relay this information to the appropriate team.

Thank you.

I have another query regarding Develop API and Trader API
these two have separate webpages but when I want to access API they lead to the same documentation
Could you help me with this?

There are two types of categories: one for individual traders and another for businesses, startups, and institutions.

The API specifications remain the same for both categories, with the exception that businesses have a few additional business-specific clauses.

I assume you are an individual trader, so you should refer to the documentation here: Upstox API Documentation.