Facing issues in using sandbox environment

I am trying to access sandbox APIs, I created a separate app for it, gave all the information (API key and redirect url) but I am not able to get the access code from it. I tried manually in browser. Is this everyone is facing?
Do I need to have a special permission for accessing it??

I am working with python do you have a code for it, maybe a link would be helpful.

Hi @nandhini_manickam
No special permissions are required to access the sandbox application.

Please refer to the following document for instructions on creating a sandbox app and generating an access token:
Create a Sandbox App and Generate a Token.

Note: The active app token generation flow is not applicable to sandbox apps.

Thank you!

Do you have a link for the example code as such how to use sandbox environment?

Accessing the Sandbox API is similar to using the active APIs. You simply need to update the base URL to https://api-sandbox.upstox.com and set your access token to the sandbox access token.

Additionally, we offer a Playground mode where you can experiment with sandbox APIs. For more details, please refer to the documentation: Sandbox API Documentation.

Our SDKs also support Sandbox mode. For further information, please refer to the respective SDK documentation.

Here is an example of the Python SDK: Upstox Python SDK - Sandbox Mode.

Thank you!

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